

    DH DeForge, VMD     Fellow of the Academy of Veterinary Dentistry 17 Seemans Lane-Milford, CT 06460 Phone 203-877-3221       Fax 203-877-8301 Email     Email APP- Silver Sands Veterinary                                  Mentorship: The Canary in the Coal Mine Mentorship: Bringing a Better Future Avoiding the Wounds Caused By Moral Injury Stress in the Work Environment Donald H DeForge, VMD   Eliminating Stress in the Work Environment In a recent literature review, I read a very special Editor's Column by one of my favorite writers: Thomas G Wilson Jr, DDS, Editor in Chief of  Decisions In Dentistry.   Below are his thoughts on an article in the  New York Times Magazine  written by Eyal...

Mentorship Magic in 2024-It Can Change Your Life

Mentorship Magic in 2024 It Can Change Your Life Preventing Burn-Out  Finding Your Career Coach DH DeForge, VMD Young veterinarians leave medical school ready to develop their careers.  They are excited; full of passion; and feel they can conquer the world. For some, happiness soon turns to despair. What causes this drastic turn about in their lives? The new doctor ponders, "Is this the vocation that I really want to follow for the next thirty years?"  Self doubt becomes a part of every wakening and leads to sleepless nights of pain and anxiety. The Problem: What has happened in those few months is repeated over and over. It has been coined Groundhog Syndrome. This term originates from the famous Bill Murray movie-Groundhog Day first released in 1993.  Some feel the movie exemplifies a purgatory concept where the body and soul is lost and lingers until expiated from past actions and reaches a realization of what happiness means. Many believe t...